I haven’t written anything for almost a week now. I have started to spend serious time on preparing for GMAT. The math part is easier and thankfully I could recollect most of my memory, from the great school era, when I used to score a centum in virtually every math test (or feel terribly sorry for scoring one less). The verbal part, as I was suspecting all along, is truly testing my weakness. But I am determined to beat it over, atleast by learning the tricks. I doubt if I will have the patience to start on grammar now, though I think I should, I know I am not good. The crooked minds in ETS (which creates GMAT) have mastered the art of playing with our patience and ego through their worth-for-nothing-beyond-this-test questions. I am on the losing side so far on verbal sections, especially the Reading Comprehension, where almost all the time, after patiently reading the question, I feel like blowing up the writers brain!, but I am slowly learning to beat my emotions and the questions. So most of the weeknights and this weekend, is into prep work. I took a few minutes off one of those drill tests now.
We had a good time last night at my friend Suresh’s place, celeberating Sree’s(his daughter) first birthday. I will leave the detailed log to Harini. She is pretty good at it, in case you didnt know. Check out Harini’s Log
I showed up this morning in Greenwich Village to attend Stern Business School’s information sesion for fall admissions. Though I knew most of what they said, I was surprised to see the hall fill up with atleast 300+ prospective students. While its good to know that a lot of people are looking at Stern, It also makes me anxious for obvious reasons…I havent taken my GMAT yet, I havent written a single word for my essays(though I jogged down few great points and ideas this morning). I hope to make the best out of myself to pull this off, in the next few weeks.
If Harini finds a spot in FIT Designand myself in NYU, thats the best thing that could happen to us…though it will drain our wealth a LOT!. I have a feeling we will.
cant believe I end up writing so much out of literally nothing! not bad isnt it?