Most of my readers, including non-techies, must have at least heard of spam, even if they don’t understand what it really is/does. In my own definition, ‘Spams are the evils of Internet’! Spam is a computer software, usually referred in the industry as ‘spam bots’ (shorter version of robot), that simply send junk emails to every email id that it can get a hold of. If you have ever used Hotmail, I am sure you have experienced spam in the form of most popular spam emails : viagara and other ‘enlargement’ pills! As for blogs such as this one, Spam comes in the form of comments. These are a different kind of the same softwares that mocks as a blog reader automatically posting unwanted, unrelated, junk comments. More or less for the same stuff we get in Hotmail : Viagara, Online Poker, Online Gambling, Porn websites and all other sorts of sneaky stuff.
When I upgraded to WordPress version 1.5 recently, I turned ON my comments in this blog for anyone to post, but I had also turned ON the filter system that blocks unwanted, crap comments. Thanks to that filter, in two days, It has filtered 250 comments! I guess, thats a small number, when compared to the real damage it can create. Imagine, if the spam software simply runs overnight bombarding like an AK47, 100s of comments in my blog every minute; my site’s database would literally scream at somepoint and miserably die! My site’s host, TotalChoiceHosting, even with name Total Choice, will obviously have no choice but to shut down the site, of course, without my permission. I wouldnt blame ’em.
I guess, my site is in the black list, so no matter how i try, spam is going hit me hard. I can only hope I am equipped well enough to combat. In the meantime, if you ever comment, don’t add any links in your comments unless you want to check if how my spam filter works! No one is commenting anyway, why did i even write this?