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can you tell a story in 5 digital shots?

YouTake5 throws a challenge. Though it is only open for residents of America, It is still a achievable and tempting challenge that few thousands if not more, would try out. Virtually everyone has a digital camera these days and taking 5 shots and uploading them is as easy as blinking your eye. So whats the big deal? Understandably, The deal is how smart you can tell a formidable story in 5 clicks. I am going to take a shot for sure. I think everyone should; lets put the $200 gadget to use for one real challenge where average joe really stands a chance. YouTake5 has a gallery that has a few sample stories in 5 shots.

Oh! If you are outside America and think you could do it? I will be happy to volunteer as your representative in the US 🙂 The winner and 5 friends get to go to Las Vegas. We will send you a nice memento. Deal?

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