Lazy Geek, he won the Best India Media Blogger of the year award for last year. Not that he blogs about only media, but his blogs are down to earth, simple and original. Living in chennai, he writes his perspectives on tamil movies/books, tamil bloggers in chennai and everythign else that strikes a chord in his mind. For those in chennai, another reason why you should start blogging and join that growing chennai bloggers, who recently had a ‘chennai bloggers meet‘. I wish we could have one for ‘Bloggers of Tamil Origin in New York / New Jersey Area !’ :-). I have once coincidence between this guy and myself, we both rank the “Pachai Kiligal Tholodu” from Indian as our all time best song. I would listen to it a zillion times and still would go for one more. My second in that list? “Pachai Nirame” from Alai Payudhey.
As I was skimming thru some of Lazy Geek’s (not sure what his original name is, but lets call him what he wants the rest of the world to refer him to!) archives, I see that he is a voracious fan of Sujatha(writer). I have read couple of Sujatha’s books, mostly from my renewed interests in his writings after I have dwelled into various other writings that referred him. No question, there is all the reason to be his arduous fan. From there, I learnt that another pious fan of Sujatha by name Desikan from chennai, is apparently also the biographer (offical?) of Sujatha. I had to believe it, atleast partially, when I read the Sujatha’s foreward in his own handwritten letter for Desikan’s personal website. Not so surprisingly, he is also an excellent writer himself and even writes his own tamil blog. Wonder where sujatha scribbles his blogs!. You could guess from his name ( Desikan is agmark-trademark name for such ) that he is from a vaishnav background (me too!) and has compiled a short list of literature on vaishnavism.
But the interesting encounter of all, he has compiled a list of poems from a writer by name Shylaja on Azhvars and Ramanujar. And Shylaja, not so incidentally, is my Aunt ! and Priya, who we recently visited in washinton dc is writer shylaja’s dharm puthri !