The world of blog continues to amaze me everyday. It appears like another revolution to me. Especially for countries like India, it can play a major role in free speech and open media. I am totally impressed with the number of people from India who religiously write their own blogs.
I was here today I think it is she, has a good blog, but even better are the art works, what she calls blogos! Would to be nice to see how and what she uses to creates them.
blogging, essentially writing our random unedited thoughts, is indeed a great way to let ourself out on digital world(would have said paper few years ago!). At the very least, it makes us think better, more and different the next time. For me, It gives me a sense of seeing myself through it. I make it a point to go back and read my old blogs often, atleast once a couple of months. I try hard to see if I have changed or improved, but it hardly is apparent to me.