[ To Express, To Reflect, To Give Back ]

It has been a relaxing

It has been a relaxing week after a long time. My friend selva is here from dallas for job search! Santhosh has settled down on his new job at GM with dana helping him out to get to know the people and surroundings. Besides cooking & eating some good food and we didnt do anything except watching the movie ‘Youth’ painfully!. Tried talking to coimbatore through yahoo voice chat, but wasnt really good. Heard that amma has eventually gotten herself into the world of computers and internet for the first time, this past weekend. Welcome to the Internet, Amma. This week, Iam hoping to find a project for myself and If it can be in detroit, that will be the one of the best I could possibly ask for at this moment. Lets see. Iam planning to go to the new detroit BearingPoint consulting office (never been there before!) today, and hoping to meet some folks who are working locally. They should give me some leads for local prospects if iam lucky…lets see.

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