Iam having a hard time reminding myself that I shouldnt be coming back to denver this monday. I have been boarding the damn monday morning United Airlines, 7.30 flight to denver, from detroit…for an year…week after week. Its all coming to an end at last. Though Iam glad I dont have to get up at 5 anymore, on a Monday. I will be missing denver and the set of new friends I got know here. I still remember, when I landed here for the first time, to join this project, last november. I knew nobody and Iam glad Iam returning back having done something for the project and at the same time, learning so much from every one I came across here. The best thing I hate to miss, is the winter season and mountains. I really had a great time, this past winter, snow boarding in the rockies. It would have been nice If I had a chance to stay back for another winter and improve my boarding skill. No other place beats the colorado rockies for winter sports. Well, I could only hope I get another project where it atleast snows…